[Coming Soon] Consent Tags and Templates To Help You Stay Compliant with the FCC’s New 1:1 Consent Law. 

Track Performance of Your Lead Forms With Form Analytics

See all of your most important data, so you know whether your lead capture forms are working, and where you have the opportunity to make them even better!

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Why do I need analytics?

Data is king. Without it, how do you know if youre lead capture forms and funnels are even working? You could be missing out on leads and wasting a whole bunch of time and money. The good thing is with LeadCapture.io’s Analytics, you’ll know what’s working and what’s not working with instant reporting.

LeadCapture.io Dashboard

See Metrics Across All Your Lead Forms

Your LeadCapture.io Dashboard pulls the metrics across all of your lead capture forms into one convenient spot. See total numbers of forms, how many leads you’ve generated, top performing forms and more — all with a quick glance.

lead form performance
lead form performance

Form Metrics

Track Your Lead Form's Performance, In Real Time

Drill into each lead form to see how many prospects engaged with your lead form, how many leads it generated, conversion rates, and trends over time. 

Drop-off Metrics

Diagnose Which Steps In Your Multi Step Forms Are Causing The Biggest Drop-Off

Multi-step forms are an amazing way to increase conversions, but how do you know which steps in your form are actually helping or hurting? Use our step-based metrics to dive into every step of your form, so you can instantly spot your biggest friction points, then optimize your forms for increased conversions. 

step based metrics
step based metrics

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We’ll never leave you hanging! Get live and dedicated support, expert advice, and all the resources you need in The Vault—right at your fingertips.

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