Get Leads Where They Need to Go With Distribution & Routing makes it easy to instantly route leads through email or SMS to anyone. Automatically post leads into your lead distribution tool, CRM, or auto responders after their captured.

lead notifications

Never miss a good lead
with instant lead notifications

Many lead capture forms struggle with lost leads, tech issues, and CRM connections. fixes this by making it easy to route and receive your leads instantly, ensuring no opportunities slip through the cracks.

Instant Lead Notifications Through Email, With Routing

Receive instant lead notifications straight to any email address, so you can follow-up faster.

lead routing email notification
lead routing email notification

Receive Lead Notifications Even When On The Go

Email not enough? Receive lead notifications straight to your phone with SMS notifications. Available in the US, Canada, Mexico, most of Europe, Australia, and South America.

Post Leads to Your Lead Distribution Tools or CRM

Post leads to your CRM, Lead Distribution Tools, or Autorespondres instantly after the lead is captured using one of LeadCapture’s native integrations, Zapier, or our webhook.

integrates with
integrates with

Start Capturing More Leads