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14 High Converting Lead Generation Form Examples [By Industry]

When it comes to turning your website traffic into leads, your lead generation form is everything.

In fact, if your lead gen forms are not optimized to convert, then there’s a good chance that you’re leaving leads on the table.

That’s why in this post, I’m going to share some of my favorite lead generation forms for your inspiration.

Now, I’ll be the first to admit that there are many different types of lead generation forms, with different objectives.

And what works well in one industry may not work well in another.

To break things down, I’m going to structure this post so it shares different examples, by industry.

This way, you can find an example of a high converting lead generation form for your very own industry.

Ready? Let’s go!

What is a lead generation form?

There are so many different types of lead generation forms out there and they come in all different shapes and sizes.

Some lead gen forms are quite simple and require just one or two fields. While other lead gen forms are more complex and interactive with conditional logic, like in the image below.

multi step form builder

Some lead generation forms pop up, some are embedded right into the page, and other lead gen forms are disguised as chatbots.

Side note: In my view, most chatbots are just glorified lead generation forms composed of if/then statements. Here’s why I dislike using chatbots for lead generation.

With that said, let’s first make sure that we’re on the same page when we talk about ‘lead generation forms’. This will also provide you with context about why some of the examples to follow were selected.

From my perspective, a lead generation is any form on a website that acts as a tool to help move a website visitor from being a website visitor to entering your sales or marketing funnel.

Simply put, the job of the lead generation form is to capture a lead.

But, the above is just a very simple and high-level view of what a lead generation form is.

Let’s unpack this a little more.

At a deeper level, we can essentially bucket lead generation forms in two groups:

1) Lead generation forms for list building

2) Lead gen forms built for lead qualification

Group #1: List building lead generation forms

List building lead generation forms are simply forms that are designed to capture an email address to help build an email list.

These forms typically only have 1-2 fields (name and email address) and are used more at the top and middle of the funnel to build an email list.

Group #2: Lead qualification lead generation forms

The second category consists of lead generation forms built for lead qualification.

Unlike your ‘list building lead gen forms’, these lead capture forms are typically used lower in the funnel to capture high intent leads that will be followed-up with via sales or segmented in your CRM.

For example:

If you’re in SaaS, then think about your SaaS demo and contact forms.

If you’re in a business like a local service (i.e, plumber, roofer, etc), legal, or finance, then think about your ‘get a quote’ and ‘consultation forms’.

When I think of a lead qualification form, I typically picture something like this:

lead qualification form
The above form is a multi step form built for Unbounce. You can learn more here.

What makes a good lead gen form?

Check out this video where I dive into what makes a good lead gen form and three simple steps that you can take to Skyrocket the conv rates of your forms:

In the examples that follow, I’m going to focus on more complex lead qualification forms that are designed to capture high-intent leads. But I’ll also mix in a few list-building forms as well.

Lead Generation Form Examples by Industry

Now that I discussed what I mean when I say lead generation form, let’s dive into some examples:

1. B2B SaaS Contact Form (The hybrid lead generation form for SaaS)

Example: GetLeadForms

My first example comes from our very own site, GetLeadForms. At GetLeadForms, we’ve spent years building the perfect multi step forms for lead generation, so I feel like this is a great example to start with.

This lead generation form sits on our contact us page. What makes this LeadForm unique is that it’s more of a hybrid contact and demo form, which segments form submissions based on whether someone needs support or has sales questions.

If someone clicks on ‘I have sales questions’ then they are routed down a path, which contains sales related questions only.

Alternatively, if a current customer finds their way to this form and clicks ‘I need support’ then they are routed down a support path and the next question looks like this:

support path

What’s interesting about this lead gen form is that the moment that we turned our contact form into a multi step form and segmented leads based on question type (i.e, support question vs sales question) we actually saw sales leads increase through our contact form and it helped with our follow-up porcess.

And it also gave our existing customers a better experience.

If you’re in B2B, especially SaaS, then I highly suggest using a multi step contact form like this example. You can grab this exact template here.

2. Pest Control (The perfect multi step form for a local service business)

Example: PestControlAllentownPA

Our next example comes from a local lead generation site that we built over here at GetLeadForms, called PestControlAllentownPA.

Our next example comes from a local lead generation site that we built over here at GetLeadForms, called PestControlAllentownPA.

This is a site that I quickly created to demonstrate just how effective multi step lead gen forms can be for local services, especially when driving traffic from paid search.

What I like about this example is that the lead generation form on the page is extremely user-friendly — which is refreshing to prospects who typically expect to see local service businesses use ugly, single step forms, like this:

ugly form

Please, please, please don’t build forms like the above.

The other nice thing about this form is that it’s leveraging our onsite message feature, which is a tiny widget in the lower right hand corner of the screen that shows a welcome message. When clicked, it opens the LeadForm up right on the screen.

This one of the best examples of a highly optimized lead generation form for a local service business. You can see an example and get your own template of this lead form here.

3. Carpet Cleaning and Home Service (smarter lead qualification forms for service businesses)

Example: HomeAdvisor by Angi

Coming by way of HomeAdvisor, this is another great example of a high converting lead generation form for a local service business. This example is for the carpet cleaning industry, but it also applies to almost any other type of service business (plumbing, roofing, solar, landscaping, auto detailing, and more).

When it comes to lead generation HomeAdvisor is really at the top of their game.

They have a massive marketing budget and get a ton of inbound traffic. They’ve also been perfecting their lead gen forms for years.

What I really like about this form is that HomeAdvisor doesn’t ask for too much information from the prospect out of the gate.

They start the process by asking the prospect for their zip code.

After you enter your zip code, the form begins to adjust based on your responses.

Pretty smart, right?

HomeAdvisor knows that it’s not just about lead quantity, it’s about lead quality too.

If you’re generating quotes or consultations as part of your lead generation efforts, then I highly recommend modeling your lead generation forms based on this HomeAdvisor example.

HomeAdvisor was a huge inspiration behind building GetLeadForms. I wanted to make it easier to build the same type of advanced multi step forms, even on a low budget. I not only created the same technology, but I added dozens of unique conversion boosting spins like pop-ups and real-time social proof.

Here’s a really good example of a carpet cleaning lead gen form that’s just like the HomeAdvisor example, but more streamlined and personal looking to help generate more qualified cleaning leads.

cleaning service multi step form

You can grab your very own copy of this exact template here.

4. Marketing Agency (The perfect lead gen form for agencies)

Example: KlientBoost

My next example comes by way of KlientBoost, a popular performance marketing agency.

KlientBoost uses a highly optimized multi step lead gen form to help generate new marketing leads for their agency.

When you click on the first option, they begin to ask some additional questions which seem like they could be helpful for their sales process.

Here’s the second step of their form:

And the third step starts to ask for some personal details — but just the website domain to start.

Finally, on the last step, after the prospect has already committed their time to completing the form, they ask for the rest of the prospect’s personal contact details.

Typically your contact details are the biggest ask, which is why KlientBoost strategically broke their lead gen form up into multiple steps. In fact, they wrote pretty extensively about this in one of their posts on ‘Bread Crumb Technique

There are a few things that I really like about KlientBoost’s lead generation forms.

  • First, I like how they make an offer that’s different. Rather than saying something generic like ‘get a free consultation’ they are offering a marketing plan, which is probably just part of their proposal process.
  • Second, the design is great. The design of their actual form is quite simple, it’s the design around the page that really brings the form to life.
  • Finally, this lead generation form does a great job of qualifying the prospect based on what they are looking for help with. If the sales team knows that someone is looking for help with SEO then the sales follow-up conversation will most likely be somewhat different than it would be for someone who is looking for help with PPC.

Interested in capturing qualified leads for your agency just like KlientBoost? Grab our free agency template:

klientboost multi step form example

Here’s a link to our KlientBoost inspired multi step form template.

5. Mortgage (A great example of data collection and segmentation)

Example: RocketMortgage

When it comes to generating mortgage leads, it’s extremely helpful if you can identify what the prospect is looking for before the leads enters your CRM.

For example:

Is the prospect looking to purchase a home or refinance?

What type of home are they looking for (single-family, multifamily, condo, etc)?

What does their credit score look like?

And the list goes on.

For this reason, it’s extremely important that the lead generation form is designed to capture this crucial information. I wrote a bit about this in my post on creating effective mortgage landing pages.

So, if you’re looking for inspiration for a lead generation form, then look no further than RocketMortgage.

The thing that I like about RocketMortgage’s lead generation form is that like HomeAdvisor and KlientBoost, they balance the user-experience with asking key qualifying questions in their form, by breaking their lead gen form up into multiple steps. This also allows RocketMortgage to segment their leads properly in their CRM.

rocketmortgage multi step form

If you’re looking for a high converting mortgage lead gen form, then here’s a RocketMortgage inspired template that you can swipe.

6. Real Estate (Lead gen forms with google address auto complete)

Example: Houwzer

Now let’s shift our attention to my favorite example of a lead generation form for real estate coming by way of Houwzer, which is a modern, socially responsible real estate agency for savvy homeowners.

The thing that I like about Houwzer’s lead capture form is that like RocketMortgage and some of the other examples, they also break their form into multi steps and segment their leads based on what the prospect might be looking for: Selling, buying, both buying and selling or financing a home.

Based on what the prospect selects in the first step, their lead gen form begins to ask a series of questions to help qualify the prospect.

For example, the second step asks for the lead’s street address:

One of the things that I really like about Houwzer’s lead generation form is that they make it extremely easy to add an address using an address auto complete feature. As you start typing in the address, it automatically populates.

Autofilling an address is so smart. Think about it…

A home address is typically a high friction field.

This is because a prospect’s address is some of the most sensitive personal info that they can part with.

In addition to that, an address is also easy for someone to easily enter into a field wrong.

The best way to reduce friction in your address fields is to take a page out of Houwzer’s playbook by auto filling the address for the prospect.

If you’re using GetLeadForms, then you can easily add Address AutoComplete (powered by Google) with just a few clicks.

For example, it’s just a matter of going to your form and enabling address auto complete in Settings:

lead gen form with address auto complete

Then setting the field type of your form to ‘Google Address Auto Complete’

configure field

Interested in building a real estate lead gen form with address auto complete like the example above?

Houwzer Inspired Real Estate Template

Grab your copy of our Houwzer Inspired Real Estate Template here.

7. Moving & Storage (A way to pre-qualify moving leads before you get on the phone with them)

Example: Great Guys Moving

Our next example of a high converting lead gen form comes by way of a moving company that I found in a Google Search called Great Guys Moving.

If you’re looking to generate moving leads, then there are typically a few questions that you’ll want to ask your prospect before you follow-up.

I’ve noticed that most moving companies like to qualify their inbound leads on the following:

  • Moving size (number of bedrooms)
  • Distance (from and to)
  • Timeline (i.e, when do you expect to make the move)

What I like about this example is how Great Guys Moving makes it extremely easy to access their lead generation form and get started with a simple question about the size of the move:

After you click ‘next’ the form asks you the date that you plan to move.

Then their lead capture form continues to qualify you on a number of additional items, such as where you are moving from and to.

All of these questions are typically asked during the follow-up process, so why not just ask them in the form and pre-qualify the prospect ahead of time? That’s pretty smart if you ask me.

Also take notice of their use of social proof at the bottom of their form, right before asking the prospect for the contact details.

My only recommendation is to have the social proof persist on the other steps as well. Our data at GetLeadForms shows that social proof helps encourage people to keep moving through the different steps of the form.

moving and storage

If you’re looking to generate more qualified moving leads, check out this moving lead generation form template.

8. Legal (A personalized approach that boosts conversions)

Example: Personal Injury Template

For our next example, I want to turn your attention to the legal industry — specifically a personal injury lead generation form that has a very personal and friendly look and feel, almost like a chat bot.

If you’re in the legal industry, then it goes without saying that qualifying your legal leads in your lead form is key.

For this reason, legal lead generation forms not only need to be built around conversion best practices, but they should also be designed to qualify leads.

This personal injury lead form is broken up into multiple steps, which makes it extremely easy to qualify the prospect fast without sacrificing conversions.

At GetLeadForms, we call this type of form the ‘chat style form’. You can read a case study about it here.

A few things that I like about this lead gen form:

  • The design is friendly and shows an person (who preferably works at your company) right in the form, which I feel is really important for the legal space
  • The lead form has a few qualifying questions to help weed out unqualified cases
  • This legal lead gen form makes an offer ‘free case evaluation’
  • And to help increase conversions, there’s even some real-time social proof at the bottom of the form

I have also seen a similar version of this form work well for other areas in the legal space. Including bankruptcy law, divorce law, and more.

Just to give you some additional ideas here’s an example of a bankruptcy form that’s embedded right into the page with social proof and icons

You can see an example and grab a template here.

9. Insurance – (The multi step lead generation form that got me to pull my credit card out right on the spot)


I came across this next example of a lead generation form when signing up for pet insurance the other night and I loved it so much that I had to include it as an example.

I was searching high and low for the right pet insurance for my dog, when I stumbled upon Lemonade, an insurance company that aims to provide low-cost insurance coverage by using an artificial intelligence (AI)-driven rating approach.

One thing that’s extremely important to note is that while searching I vetted about six different insurance providers.

Unlike the other insurance companies that overwhelmed me by asking for my personal details upfront, Lemonade engaged me with a super sleek and inviting lead capture form.

That was actually a pretty big differentiator for me.

Let’s take a closer look at their lead generation form.

Lemonade started their lead capture form by asking what type of insurance I was looking for:

In the above example, I selected ‘Pet Health’ — then their lead form started to change based on my response.

Now here’s where it gets really cool.

While most of Lemonade’s competitors are asking for your address and all sorts of personal info by step #2, Lemonade eases you into it by asking for your Pet’s Name.

In other-words, they are taking more time to get to know me, before asking me to marry them (so to speak).

Now watch what happens next. Let’s say that I typed ‘Snoopy’ into the ‘Pet Name’ step above (look at what happens in the next step).

Snoopy isn’t actually my dog’s name — I’m just having a little fun here.

Lemonade displays the pet’s name in the next step.

And throughout the form, they continued to reference my pet by name.

This is a great way to use personalization in your forms. At GetLeadForms, we make this possible with our personalization feature.

For example, inside of GetLeadForms you can use our personalization tags to personalize any part of your LeadForm — in this example, after the prospect enters their name, we’re personalizing the steps that follow with the prospect’s name.

And just like the Lemonade’s form, this lead form now shows’ the prospect’s name. It couldn’t be any easier.

Here’s a great example of a lead generation form with personalization.

Lemonade’s multi step form is by far one of my favorite examples. While completing the form I could tell that they put a ton of thought, time and effort into creating their lead capture form and they made signing up for pet insurance a breeze.

If they had jumped into things too soon like the other insurance companies out there, then there’s a good chance that I would have continued my search

In fact, after going through the form I found myself adding my credit card and getting hooked into an $83/mo pet insurance plan — that really speaks to the power of a really good lead generation form.

10. Ecommerce (Engaging prospects with a quiz)

Example: Pete & Pedro

All of the examples up to this point have been focused on service businesses and B2B companies that are looking to capture leads. For this next example, I want to switch focus to an e-commerce company that’s doing something interesting with their lead generation forms.

Pete Pedro is an online store that sells high quality grooming products for men — hairstyling products, shampoos, beard products, and more.

Let’s consider something as simple as a styling product.

It can be quite difficult to know what hair styling product to use. So Pete and Pedro got pretty creative and created a ‘What hair styling product should I use’ quiz.

Simply answer a few questions related to what you’re looking for in your hair style, then the quiz will recommend a product, along with a discount.

Pretty smart right?

With that said, they could optimize this form by doing the following:

  • Break the form up into multiple steps and make it more interactive.
  • Capture the prospects email address with that 10% offer. Since they are giving away a discount, why not capture the email address?
  • After they capture the email address, segment the lead in their CRM based on their responses. This is where they can do a ton of interesting follow-up to the lead.
  • And finally, redirect the prospect to a dedicated product page where they can view more details and see the product right there. This would also enable the company to do some more sophisticated conversion tracking and cross-channel retargeting.

The bottom line is that quizzes and surveys can be extremely effective forms of lead generation and are always worth using at the the top and middle of your funnel, especially if you’re in e-commerce like Pete and Pedro.

Here are two lead generation quiz forms for you swipe:

Plumbing & HVAC Quiz: See Template

Real Estate Perfect Home Quiz: See Template

11. Home Remodeling (The best way to capture qualified remodeling leads)

Example: Bath&

Our next example of a high converting lead generation form comes from a site that I found in the Home Remodeling space.

When you’re generating home remodeling leads, it’s pretty much a fact that leads with just a name, email, and phone number won’t do.

In other-words, you need qualified leads.

The best home remodeling leads come in qualified based on their project, budget, and timing. By getting all of this information upfront, you not only save yourself (or your client time) but you also save time for the prospect as well.

The problem is that the home remodeling space is extremely competitive.

With just one Google Search, I can bring up dozens of potential contractors to get an estimate from.

So how do you balance the need to capture multiple data points about your prospects in your lead gen form, without scaring them away?

This is where a multi step home remodeling lead generation form can help.

Let’s take a closer look at the example from Bath&

First, they take a page out of HomeAdvisor’s book by asking for the prospect’s zip code on step #1.

It’s also worth highlighting their nice use of the yellow arrow to direct attention to their form.

On step #2, they begin to qualify you based on your project — on step at a time to keep you engaged.

Finally, on the last step they ask for your contact details.

The beauty of breaking your lead generation forms up into multi steps like this is two fold:

1. First, you make it extremely easy for the prospect to complete your form. As a rule of thumb: anytime that you can reduce friction and cognitive overload in your user-experience, your conversions will go up.

2. Second, if you’re data driven then you can actually track the completion rate of every step of the form to get a better sense about which responses are causing the most drop-off. This way you can continue to optimize the form for conversions. This is a great way to reduce form abandonment.

Here’s home remodeling lead generation form template for you to try out.

12. Roofing & Solar (A lead gen form with all the right questions)

Example: SolarEnergyWorld

Now let’s take a look at another example, coming out of the roofing and solar industry.

Like many of the examples throughout this post, the roofing and solar industry is another one of the industries where it helps to generate qualified solar leads right in the lead gen form.

As you can probably imagine, there are quite a few qualifying questions that a solar company might want to ask a prospect ahead of time.

The easiest way to do this is by breaking the questions up into a multi step form.

One of the things that I really like about this solar form is their lease question.

In the image above, you’ll see that they are asking how the prospect would like to purchase, while also showing the potential savings if they were to lease the solar system.

Here’s another interesting question in this form, this one is super interesting.

“Would you like battery backup with your installation?”

Can you guess why they are asking the question above?

My best guess is that this is a question to qualify the lead on a potential upsell opportunity.

Whoever built this Solar Energy form clearly put a ton of thought into the questions that they are asking in the LeadForm and did a great job.

If you’re looking capture more qualified solar leads, check out this example, check out this solar lead form template.

solar lead form

Quick tip: Compliance is a huge deal when it comes to your lead generation forms. If you’re generating leads that you buy and sell, especially in the solar industry, then we highly recommend generating proof of consent with our ActiveProspect TrustedForm integration.

13. List building (The lead generation form for building an email list with a free tool)

Unlike most of the examples above that are more focused on the goal of capturing high intent leads that go straight two sales, this example is more focused on a lead gen form that builds an email list.

Example: This is a free tool that I built to help my fellow PPC marketers customize their landing pages to match their ad copy. This helps create more relevant landing pages.

It just so happens that free tools can be an extremely effective way to build an opt-in email list, especially for SaaS.

As you can see in the image above, rather than asking the prospect for their name and email address right out of the gate, we’re asking them to input their website URL.

After the prospect enters their website, they are taken to a step #2 that asks them to enter their name and email address:

Now here’s where the magic happens.

After the prospect enters their details and hits submit, I capture the details in my CRM. In my case it’s ActiveCampaign, but you can just as easily integrate GetLeadForms with popular CRMs such as HubSpot and many others.

Next, my email service (ActiveCampaign) sends the lead a link to download via email, which routes the lead to a personalized thank you page that looks like this:

As you can see, I’m using the information that I captured in the lead generation form (name and website) to customize the thank you page. This same information was also used in the follow-up email.

Pretty cool right?

The only way that I could make this better is to add a couple of qualifying questions into the form.

14. Content marketing & SEO (The lead generation form for building an email list with a free tool)

The final example is another example of a lead gen form for list building.

Blog content for most blogs tends to convert traffic into leads at a fairly low rate — typically less than 1% for many blogs. At GetLeadForms, we have a much higher conversion rate on our blog thanks to some nifty tricks that I use.

One little trick that I like to use is to insert an embedded list building lead gen form right into my content to help build my email list.

Just like this:

As the visitor is reading through my post, they are then engaged with a personal looking lead gen form that makes some sort of offer, in this case it’s for an ebook (that’s Kaitlyn, our head of Customer Success in the form).

If they click on ‘Yes, send me this guide’ then they are asked for some additional details, starting with their name.

And after the prospect enters their name, they are then asked for their email address. Notice we’re pulling the first name into the email step for a more customized experience.

As you can see in the final step, we customize the step with the prospect’s name then ask for their precious email address. And don’t worry, we track the conversion rate of every step of this form.

The only way to make this list building lead gen form better is to add some more qualifying questions around the business type and use case. At some point in the future, we will go in that direction, but for now we’re just keeping things simple.

This style of lead generation form is extremely effective, especially when it comes to building an email list when subscribers are becoming more blind to the typical opt-in style.

What makes a great lead generation form?

Throughout this post, I shared some of my favorite lead generation forms.

To wrap things up, I want to quickly break down what makes a really good, high converting lead generation form.

All of the lead gen forms in the examples above had at least one of these qualities, which you should keep in mind when building your next lead gen form.

  • Break your lead gen form into multiple steps and make it more interactive: Did you notice that every example above consisted of a lead gen form that was broken into multiple steps? That’s because through testing and research, the big guns have found that the best way to increase conversions with their lead generation forms is to make them more interactive by turning their long forms into multi step forms.

  • Rather than cut fields, make sure you’re asking the RIGHT questions: Every single lead capture form in the example above had a series of key questions that help support segmentation and follow-up. Even if you’re looking to optimize your lead gen for conversions, don’t just rush to drop fields from your form. Make sure that you’re asking the right questions. Lead quality > quantity.

  • Build people-friendly lead generation forms: Another thing that every example had in common, is that they all put the person who is filling out the form first. In other-words, all of the lead forms throughout this post are extremely people-friendly. This is accomplished by incorporating UX best practices like big buttons and progress bars, to making fields smarter with address autocomplete functionality.

  • Use conversion elements to help increase conversions: Another commonality between all of the forms above is that they all used various conversion elements to help optimize the lead gen forms for conversion. This includes social proof, personalization, and other tiny UX optimization that really adds up.

What to do next:

If you’re looking for some more examples, then you might like this post: top multi step form examples broken down by industry.

See our full library of high converting lead generation form templates here.

Interested in creating a really good lead generation form for your website or landing page like some of the examples in this post? Grab a free trial of GetLeadForms today.

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