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3 Ways To Capture Verified Real Estate Leads + Why It Matters for Agents

It’s no secret that your database is your biggest asset in the real estate industry, whether you’re an agent, mortgage broker, or marketer.

But if your database is clogged with unverified leads, it’s not doing you any favors. It’s like trying to swim with a lead weight around your ankle— dragging you down and wasting your time and money.

That’s why, in today’s post, we’ll discuss generating verified real estate leads and why it’s a total game-changer. Let’s get into it!

What Exactly Is a Verified Real Estate Lead?

Verified leads for real estate are potential home buyers or homeowners who have confirmed that their contact details are accurate.

They are genuine leads in your database, not just random names with null email addresses or contact numbers.

Here are some key attributes of verified real estate leads you should be aware of:

  • Genuine interest in property transactions. You’ll know these leads are serious because they’ve shown real interest in buying or selling property. This could be evident from actions like subscribing to your newsletter, requesting info about specific listings, or attending open houses.
  • Able to meet specific qualifications. Verified leads are evaluated not just for their interest or engagement but also for their ability to proceed with a transaction. That includes knowing their creditworthiness, budget, and location preference.
  • Validated contact information. Verified leads have active and working email addresses and phone numbers. Verification might involve sending a prompt via text or email that requires a quick response from your leads to confirm their details.

As an example for the last part above, GetLeadForm’s Lead Verify feature captures phone-verified leads in real-time. This lets you quickly remove bad home buyer leads from your database and focus on those who are truly interested and likely to do business with you.

getleadforms phone verify

Why You Need Verified Real Estate Leads

Now that we’ve discussed how we view a verified real estate lead, let’s talk about the benefits:

More confidence in your real estate lead generation efforts

When you verify leads, especially the phone number, you’ll feel more assured that you’re contacting the right person and that the prospect wants to hear from you.

This is especially important when your home buyer prospects might be reaching out to agents and brokers everywhere while sometimes using fake or incorrect information.

Higher lead quality and better engagement

Verified leads are of higher quality than regular ones because they have been pre-screened for genuine interest.

It goes beyond knowing your lead’s basic contact information but also their purchasing or selling intentions.

For example, a verified lead might have shared information about when they plan to buy a property, their purpose, and their budget.

Once you receive these data points from them, your conversion rate will increase, which will equal better ROI on your marketing and sales efforts.

Efficiency in lead management

You can use your time and resources more efficiently when you receive verified leads.

Instead of spreading your efforts thin over a large pool of unverified home buyers, you can focus on nurturing and converting a smaller group of highly interested leads.

For agencies and lead sellers: Increased credibility with clients

Verified leads aren’t only beneficial for real estate agents, but also for marketers offering pay-per-lead services.

Real estate clients see them as higher-quality leads. This means they’d be willing to pay you more per lead since they know they get value for their money, leading to bigger rewards that greatly outweigh costs.

In addition, selling verified leads improves your reliability and reputation as an agency or lead seller.

Your clients will trust your service more when they prove that your leads are high-quality. It can result in stronger client relationships and repeat business.

How To Get Verified Real Estate Leads?

Let me show you the three approaches to acquiring home buyer leads that actually verify their contact info.

1) Manual verification

Manual verification involves directly interacting with your leads to confirm their details. It can be done by someone from your team or a third-party service.

Some usual methods include calling the lead to verify their interest or confirming their details via phone, SMS, or email.

My point-of-view is that while manual verification can be okay for one-off instances, I would avoid it as much as possible. It doesn’t scale and is a huge waste of time, especially since verifying leads before they land in your database is now easier than ever.

It’s about working smarter, not harder.

2) Partner with others for verified real estate leads and simply ask for them

There’s a massive chance that you can collect verified leads by choosing to partner with others or buy real estate leads from reputable sources.

Collaborating with referral partners, such as other real estate agents, brokers, or lead generation companies, allows you to share or receive valid real estate buyer leads.

This method can eliminate manual verification on your part. However, you might also encounter some challenges.

The standards for what qualifies as a ‘verified’ lead can vary between partners, and sometimes, the data may become outdated. On top of that, the risk of receiving lower-quality leads increases when you work with new or less-known lead providers.

To prevent issues like this, communicate your “verified” leads criteria. Do you want email verification or specific financial qualifications besides confirmed phone numbers? Or maybe you want a valid physical address.

Whatever that is, it guarantees you’ll get what you want.

3) Point-of-capture verification (recommended)

Of the three, point-of-capture verification is the most efficient approach. It’s perfect for your website’s inbound verification and lead generation campaigns.

But what is it, and how does it work?

Point-of-capture verification involves validating the information your real estate leads provide when they complete your forms and before they enter your database.

Some examples of the point-of-capture method are:

  • Verification in contact and lead forms: As prospects complete a real estate form on your website, their contact details are immediately checked for accuracy.
  • Verification with lead magnets: When prospects download your real estate lead magnet or sign up for newsletters, their contact information is verified immediately.
  • Verification on surveys and landing pages: Similar to the first example. Once your leads submit the survey or a form on your landing page, their information undergoes immediate verification.

To make this easy, software like GetLeadForms provides access through OTP (One-Time Password) phone verification, which you can enable inside the form editor with just a few clicks.

get leadforms otp phone verification

It works best with our real estate templates, like this Home Valuation Form, which you can use as a form for your lead magnet.

home valuation form

As you can see, all the essential details—including the phone number — are required to proceed. When you enable the lead verification feature on this, GetLeadForms will automatically send the OTP verification code to your real estate lead.

With this verification method, you won’t have to waste time calling each lead to confirm their details or depend on others to check.

Plus, you can immediately filter your real estate leads and ensure your database is full of verified ones.

Note: Want to use the same form above or check our other templates? You can view all of them here.

Final Thoughts on Generating Verified Real Estate Leads

Don’t settle for just any leads. Instead, fill your database with verified home buyers to improve your chances of getting more sales.

As you acquire verified leads, you’ll feel more confident about these high-quality prospects, knowing they are confirmed and are eager to hear from you. This ultimately makes picking up the phone and calling them easier than ever.

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